Movie Night
/Having a Friday night in? We recommend a movie, a bottle of wine, and some popcorn. What type of movie? One about wine of course! There are many movies about wine out there to choose from and on Fridays we will share one with you that we have seen and enjoyed. You get the popcorn and let Qorkz send you the wine!
Miles is a failed writer living a meager existence in San Diego as an English teacher. With his career seemingly fading and the fate of a book hinging on a publisher's decision, Miles is depressed with himself and what he hasn't achieved. Jack is a television actor whom some recognize but not many do, as if he were a minor actor who got a taste of success. With his best friend Miles, the two embark on a road trip through California's wine country. Miles wants to give his friend a nice sendoff before married life, while Jack simply wants to have a fling beforehand. As they're both nearing middle age with not much to show for it, the two will explore the vineyards while ultimately searching for their identities. -
Movie Critic
We know, we know. You're not drinking any more F-ing Merlot. Well, maybe you should be! Chances are that since this movie, you have been one of the thousands who have said "Oh I'll pass, I don't like Merlot." Thanks to one of the most widely misinterpreted scenes in movie history, one of our favorite varietals was almost killed off entirely. In the movie, the main character Miles yells that he "isn't drinking any more F-ing Merlot" outside of the restaurant. This was widely interpreted as the wine expert dislikes Merlot, or Merlot is somehow a bad wine. Nothing could be further from the truth! In the original story from the book, Miles won't drink Merlot because it's his ex-wife's favorite. That's it. That little omission from the movie is the reason Merlot was nearly pulled from all the vineyards across America. In the years since, Merlot has been making quite a comeback and should work it's way back into your regular rotation to be recognized as the delicious varietal that it is.
Why We Love It
If ever there was a movie that waxed poetically about wine, this is it. Pinot Noir and Syrah get the grand treatment from the main character Miles during his trek through the Santa Barbara wine region centered around the town of Solvang. You can tour this region yourself consisting of AVAs Sta. Rita Hills, Santa Ynez Valley, Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara, Ballard Canyon, and the Santa Maria Valley When asked Why he loves Pinot Noir so much Miles says:
“Uh, I don’t know, I don’t know. Um, it’s a hard grape to grow, as you know. Right? It’s uh, it’s thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early. It’s, you know, it’s not a survivor like Cabernet, which can just grow anywhere and uh, thrive even when it’s neglected. No, Pinot needs constant care and attention. You know? And in fact it can only grow in these really specific, little, tucked away corners of the world. And, and only the most patient and nurturing of growers can do it, really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand Pinot’s potential can then coax it into its fullest expression. Then, I mean, oh its flavors, they’re just the most haunting and brilliant and thrilling and subtle and... ancient on the planet.”
How could you not want a glass of Pinot Noir after hearing that? In fact, we have a few more recommendations that go with Sideways.
Wine Pairings
We're betting if any Merlot can win you back, this one can. In fact, it was rated the second best Merlot in the world by Wine Spectator. Stocks of this one are dwindling, so if you have wanted to try it, here's your chance.
Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir, because, well, you just have to with this movie. We're fans of the Brooks Note Marin because it has big fruit flavors and a long finish. If you put this glass down to watch a few scenes the odds are good you will still be tasting it when you're ready to take your next sip.
Syrah was Miles second love in Sideways but received none of the publicity bump or fame of Pinot Noir. We think it should have garnered rockstar status years ago for its depth and complexity. Sip on this Coruce Syrah to truly experience the depth of the varietal that made Miles fall so hard.