Fiddletown - Wine Region of the Day


Fiddletown received its designation as an AVA in 1983. Situated on 12,044 acres, Fiddletown is a sub-appellation of the larger Sierra Foothills AVA and is located in Amador County. The terrain of Fiddletown is hilly with most vines situated between 1,500 and 2,500 feet above sea level. The soils are made up of decomposed granite and volcanic material, are well draining and not nutrient dense; leading to smaller yields in production, forcing the vines to put all their efforts into the fruit, developing deep rich flavors. Fiddletown doesn't receive the benefit of cooling Pacific Ocean breezes like many of its neighbors, but its high elevation results in a cooling effect in the evening to combat the dry, hot daily temperatures. This cooling results in a longer growing period and allows for the fruit to stay on the vine longer and develop the balance in sugar and acidity. The region is known for its old vine Zinfandel but also produces Grenache, Petite Sirah, and Barbera.