January 17th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Saint Roseline de Villeneuve died in 1329.  Her shrine is now a winery in Provence.

  • Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy was born in 1342.  He outlawed the cultivation of the Gamay grape in favor of pinot noir. to improve the quality of Burgundy wines.

  • Lola Montez, royal courtesan of Ludwig I of Bavaria, who's antics incited the people to rebellion by breaking a champagne glass over the head of a police officer died in 1861. Despite her claims of being a Spanish dancer, she was in fact an Irish peasant.

  • It is the feast day of Saint Sulpice The Pious.  He was buried at a basilica in Navis near a number of vineyards.

December 16th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Catherine of Aragon was born in 1485. After the birth of her first child, Henry, Duke of Cornwall was born guns were fired, bells were rung, fires lit and free wine was given to the public.

  • George Whitefield, one of the founders of Methodism and the evangelical movement was born in 1714.  He was the son of an inn keeper who was “bred to the wine-trade” at least according to The General Assembly’s Missionary Magazine.

  • Barbe Nicole Ponsardin born in 1777, she is the future Veuve Cliquot.

  • Birthday of Noël Coward in 1899 who wrote: The air is like a draught of wine. The undertaker cleans his sign, The Hull express goes off the line, When it's raspberry time in Runcorn. in On With the Dance, 'Poor Little Rich Girl’.

November 8th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • In 397 St. Martin of Tours died in Candes-Saint-Martin.  St. Martin is the patrol saint of vintners, wine growers and winemakers.

  • Baeda Maryam I, emperor of Ethiopia died in 1478.  After defeating the Dobe’a people, he declared that they should become cultivators as opposed to bandits and planted orange and lemon trees and vineyards as well as distributing bread, beer and honey wine.

  • Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern and later Queen of Prussia was born in 1715.  In his will, Frederick II of Prussia left her her normal income, plus 10,000 Thalers annually, wine, fire-wood, game and residence at the royal palace of her choice.

  • A report out of Epernay, France dated 1889 in Bonfort’s Wine & Spirit Journal indicates a rush to purchase the new champagnes.

  • California's Tracy Hills AVA was designated in 2006.

August 4th - This Date in Wine History

Virgin with Chancellor Rolin Jan van Eyck.jpg

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • The Hotel-Dieu de Beaune was founded by Nicolas Rolin in 1443. The vineyards of the Hospices de Beaune have supported the Hotel-Dieu for centuries. 
  • Dom Pérignon makes the first champagne in 1693 (or discovers he did).
  • In his speech to the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association for 1862, John Higginbottom, Esq., F.R.S., Nottingham relays that he had used wine and brandy to treat a post partum hemorrhage in a case dated in 1860.  He later decided liquor was not part of what he considered “best practices”. 
  • Jeanne Calment, the French supercentenarian who lived to 122 years, 164 days died in 1997.  She was known to smoke a cigar or cigarette and drink a small glass of Port everyday from ages 111-114.
  • The Galluccio DOC was established in 1997.  It comes from the Italian province of Caserta and can be made with Falanghina or Aglianico.
  • Happy International Albariño Days!
  • Happy National White Wine Day.
  • Happy Mead Day.

July 19th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Francis Drake and Howard of Effingham distributed wine and cake when they learned of the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English in1588.
  • In a sermon, A Serious Admonition to All Despisers of the Clergy: In a Sermon Preach’d before William, Lord Bishop of Chester, dated 1712, Henry Newcome offers the metaphor that the clergy could be seen “like the best Wine, at once both sharp and sweet”.
  • In a letter dated 1887 by Forquet de Dorne to Bonfort’s Wine and Spirits Circular, M. Forquet describes the proceedings of the Champagne Syndicate v. Lécluze.  M. Lécluze was trying to market his Saumur (Loire) wines as Champagne.  M. Lécluze was forbidden to use the words, “Champagne wines” or “Champagne” on any wine not made in the Champagne district.
  • The ship, Columbia departed Palermo bound for NYC with wine.

April 30th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • St. John Baptist de La Salle was born in Reims, France in 1651.  He is the patron saint of teachers and the founder of the first Catholic schools.  He was the son of Nicolle de Moet Brouillet of the family that founded  Moët & Chandon.
  • Louisiana was admitted to the Union in 1812.  It is home to the Mississippi Delta viticulturel area.
  • The French Foreign Legion celebrate the Battle of Camarón (1863) during the French intervention in Mexico with an excess of cheap French red wine and the wooden hand of Jean Danjou
  • It is Walpurgis Night in Northern Europe.  It is supposed to be a night that witches meet and is celebrated with bonfires and other festivities, in particular Finland and Sweden which features Champagne or other sparkling wine.
  • The French have a saying, « La pluie, le jour de Saint-Robert, de bon vin remplira ton verre. » which translates to (more or less) “If it rains on St. Robert’s day good wine will fill your glass.”

December 31st - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • 32,8551/2 gallons of Madeira winer were imported into Philadelphia from August 1, to December 31, 1790 according to the American Museum or Universal Magazine.
  • A banquet was held in 1853 where the attendees ate dinner in an iguanodon in the not yet complete Crystal Palace in London.  The menu included:  Soups: Mock Turtle, Julien, Hare, Fish: Cod and Oyster Sauce, Fillets of Whiting, Turbot à l’Hollandaise; Removes: Roast Turkey, Ham, Raised Pigeon Pie, Boiled Chicken and Celery Sauce; Entrées: Cotolettes de Moutonaux Tomates, Currie de Lapereaux au riz, Salmi de Perdrix, Mayonnaise de filets de Sole; Game: Pheasants, Woodcocks, Snipes; Sweets: Macedoine Jelly, Orange Jelly, Bavaroise, Charlotte Russe, French Pastry, Nougat à la Chantilly, Buisson de Meringue aux Confiture; Dessert: Grapes, Apples, Pears, Almonds and Raisins, French Plums, Pines, Filberts, Walnuts etc., etc.; Wines: Sherry, Madeira, Port, Moselle, Claret 
  • Chandon  et Co., of Epernay, France received it’s trademark in the United States in 1907.
  • Saumur AOC was created in 1957.
  • Happy national Champagne Day!
  • Happy New Year to Everyone!

October 20th - This Date in Wine History

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • South African chemist and viticulturist, Abraham Izak Perold was born in 1880.
  • Italy’s Rosso Conero DOC was created in 1990.
  • Italy’s Verduno Pelaverga DOC was created in 1995.
  • Spain's Rioja DOCa was created in 2004.
  • Celebrate Champagne Day!

October 15th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Virgil born today in 70 BCE wrote the Georgics, whose second volume deals with viticulture matters and includes a description of early ice wines.
  • Mata Hari the Dutch courtesan, dancer and spy was executed by firing squad in 1917.  While she was awaiting execution she was brought a steady supply of champagne and meals from nearby restaurants.
  • ‘Red Red Wine’ by UB40 was number 1 on the charts in 1988.


September 10th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • General Company of Viticulture of the Upper Douro founded to guarantee the quality of the product and fair pricing of Port Wine was established in 1756.
  • Empress Elisabeth of Austria was assassinated in 1898. Prior to her death by an Italian anarchist, Elizabeth was obsessed with her weight and was thought to indulge in binge eating.  She is known to have to have visited restaurants incognito and would indulge in champagne, broiled chicken, salad and a considerable quantity of cake.
  • Happy California Wine Month!

August 7th - This Date in Wine History

Hata Hari

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Pope John XXII was elected in 1316. Under his reign wines of the region began to be referred to as "Vin du Pape”
  • Mata Hari the Dutch courtesan, dancer and spy was born in 1876.  While she was awaiting execution she was brought a steady supply of champagne and meals from nearby restaurants.
  • The Wine and Spirit Bulletin of 1908 has an announcement of the Marriage of Lee Mida of Mida’s Criterion was married to Miss Louise Henrietta Gueth.

August 4th - This Date in Wine History

Dom Pèrignon

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • The Hotel-Dieu de Beaune was created in 1443. The vineyards of the Hospices de Beaune have supported the Hotel-Dieu for centuries 
  • Dom Perignon makes the first champagne in 1693.
  • In his speech to the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association for 1862, John Higginbottom, Esq., F.R.S., Nottingham relays that he had used wine and brandy to treat a post-partum hemorrhage in a case dated in 1860.  He later decided liquor was not part of what he considered “best practices”. 
  • The Galluccio DOC was established in 1997.
  • It is Champagne Day!  A votre santé!

July 28th - This Date in Wine History

Colonial Times

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Giovanni della Casa, a Florentine poet and writer on etiquette was born in 1503.  His book, Galateo, includes the advice to Never should one sniff someone else’s wine, for instance, as something might fall out of one’s nose; even though this is unlikely, Della Casa notes, one should not take such risks.
  • The Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser of Hobart Town in 1826 W.A. Bethune lists for sales, English soap, French sugar, Tenerife wine in pipes and hogsheads, Liverpool salt and Blue Claith Brandy, Gin and Bronte Madeira.
  • The oldest bottle of Veuve Cliquot was found at Torosay Castle on the Isle of Mull. The bottle was from 1893 and was locked in a sideboard for 150 years.

June 25th - This Date in Wine History

Bodegas Guëll

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • A lawsuit was filed against New Haven's first publican, Henry Tomlinson in 1656 for charging more for strong water, wine and beer than was allowed and for keeping a disorderly house. He allowed young men and maids to attend his house, dance and play at shuffle board. (The horror!)
  • Antoni Gaudí was born in 1852.  He was an architect known for the style known as Catalan Modernism.  He is famous for the Sagrada Familia and the Güell wine cellars (seen above).
  • The Bonfort's Wine and Spirits Circular for this date in 1887 contained an advertisement for Roederer Dry Champagne as a new product in the United States.
  • Robert Lawrence Balzer, America's first serious wine journalist was born in 1912. 

June 14th - This Date in Wine History

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Bear Flag Revolt begins in 1846.  Anglo settlers in Sonoma, California, start a rebellion against Mexico and proclaim the California Republic.  
  • The US Patent Office granted a patent for the Montebello & Co of Mareuil-sur-Ay, Marne, France for Champagne.
  • California's Chalone AVA was designated in 1982

May 25th - This Date in Wine History

Oscar Wilde

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Alfonso VI King of León took Toledo back from the Moors in 1085.  This allowed wine to be produced in this region again. (Not that it wasn’t tolerated in some corners) 
  • Oscar Wilde was convicted of “committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons” in 1895.  Five years later as he was drinking Champagne on his death bed he is quoted as saying, “Alas, I am dying beyond my means”.

November 2nd - This Date in Wine History

Edmond James de Rothschild

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature This Date In Wine History, we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Edmond James de Rothschild, father of the modern Israeli wine industry died in 1934.
  • Marie Antoinette, whose breasts are rumored to be the model for the champagne coupe was born in 1755.
  • Spain's Chacolí de Bizkaia-Bizkaiko Txakolina DO was created in 1994.