February 16th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor issued an edict in 1358 that vineyards be planted “On all the hills that face the noon in three miles around Prague. Everyone who owns such a hill is to commence such undertaking within fourteen days from the date of the issue of this edict. Anyone who would not or could not so undertake, let it be undertaken on their land by the man the vinemaster shall lend to them. Anyone who will establish a vineyard shall from the date of commencement to do so and for twelve years thereafter be exempted from all taxes and levies...”

  • Philipp Melanchthon was born in 1497.  He was a collaborator of Martin Luther and helped create the early theology of the Lutheran Church, such as  the rejection of the idea of transubstantiation.

  • Joseph Victor von Scheffel, a German poet and novelist was born in 1826.  He wrote  Gaudeamus, Lieder aus dem Engeren und Weiteren, a collection of humorous songs that are about student life and wine.

  • California's Covelo AVA and  Washington's Rattlesnake Hills AVA was designated in 2006.

July 24th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Samuel Pepys met and went out with the children Vice Admiral Sir George Carteret and were out so late they were unable to get a ferry boat back to the house, so they slept in a coach on the Isle of Dogs until one was available,  feasted on wine and snacks then headed home.
  • The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction in 1824 reported on the Palace of the King of the Sandwich Islands, quoting Goldsmith in his Traveller 
But where to find that happiest spot below, 
who can direct, when all pretend to know? 
The shuddering tenant of the frigid zone 
Boldly proclaims that happiest spot his own:  
Extols the treasures of his stormy seas, 
And his long nights of revelry and ease.  
The naked negro, panting at the line, 
Boasts of his golden sands and palmy wine, - 
Basks in the glare, or stems the tepid wave, 
And thanks his gods for all the good they gave.
— Oliver Goldsmith
  • Alphonse Mucha, a Czech painter of the Art Nouveau period was born in  1860. He is known for advertising illustrations for many products including Moet & Chandon, Vins des Incas, F. Champenois, Benedictine, Ruinart, Heidsieck, 
  • President McKinley entered into a treaty with the King of Portugal to reduce tariffs on wine in 1897.

June 27th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Charles II of Navarre, known as Charles the Bad was crowned in 1350.  At the end of his life he was so decrepit that his doctor order him wrapped like a mummy in linen soaked in brandy (aqua vitae).  A maid dropped a candle and WHOOSH! This was seen as a sign of God’s justice.
  • Maximilian, Prince of Dietrichstein was born in 1596.  In 1643 he placed 2,000 barrels of wine at Nikolsburg Castle.
  • The American brig, Friendship  that was laden with wine and salt from Cadiz to Charlestown was taken by Captain Hope of the Kent in 1800.
  • Diethylene glycol was discovered in a bottle of 1983 Rüster Auslese from a Stuttgart supermarket in 1985.
  • Ycoden-Daute-Isora DO was created in 1994.