November 6th - This Date in Wine History


Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature "This Date In Wine History," we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • Julian was named Caesar of the Western Provinces in 355.  He later tried to conquer the Persians but was injured.  He died as a result of having his wound irrigated with “dark wine”.
  • The Synod of Rome was called by Holy Roman Emperor Otto I in 962.  During this Synod, Otto deposes Pope John XII on the grounds that he was depraved and worldly (and incited rebellion against the Emperor).  Witnesses claimed that the Pontiff had toasted the devil with wine.
  • The French Bonnezeaux AOC was created in 1951.

February 10th - This Date in Wine History

Wine has a long established history of being our drink of choice for celebrating, entertaining, and savoring life; but it didn't start out that way. From the invention of the barrel to the designation of the separate viticultural areas, wine has a long and sorted history.  In our daily feature This Date In Wine History, we share an event of critical importance in wine history.

  • The St. Scholastica Day riot was sparked by Oxford students complaining about the quality of the wine at Swindlestock Tavern in 1355.
  • Birthday of Aaron Hill, English writer of “The Walking Statue; Or, the Devil in the Wine Cellar” He was born in 1685.